Category: Uncategorized
Knee Supports: So many choices!
How to determine which type – sleeve, wrap or strap – is right for you. First, let’s acknowledge that we are leaving out an entire category of knee braces and supports: the structural knee braces that may be recommended by your medical professional as a post-surgical device for advanced levels of stability and support. An […]
Strength Training for Runners
Author: Pro-Tec Elite Athlete and Champion Ultrarunner Krissy Moehl I get it is hard to fit in, but please do it! We love to run, period. We know we should do the “extras” (strength and mobility exercises and foam rolling) to keep us healthy and injury free. And we are really good at doing them […]
The Importance of Rolling Earnestly
Author: Champion Ultrarunner Jeff Browning I’ve discovered many tools to keep myself running smoothly over the past 20 years. But one of the most important pieces of maintenance equipment is my veritable quiver of foam rollers. Whether for daily maintenance or targeting a specific area, the foam roller is essential for every runner. Developing the […]
How I Use Pro-Tec Resistance Bands to Improve Ankle Stability
Writer: Pro-Tec Elite Athlete and Champion Ultrarunner Dylan Bowman As I wrote about in a previous Pro-Tec blog, I’ve suffered a couple serious ankle injuries during my career as a professional trail/ultra runner. In addition to the very acute sprains and fractures, I’ve also suffered countless twists and tweaks of both ankles, resulting in a […]
Taking Time to Transition
Author: Pro-Tec Elite Athlete and Champion Ultrarunner Krissy Moehl Vanlife: post winter trail run in the PNW Pre-Run Strategic Prep The cleanup plan starts before the run. When I pull into the trailhead I strategically park the van to create privacy so that I can spray and get the mud off my body before hopping […]
Post-Mastectomy Strength Training Exercises & Grant Program
Writer: Bodyenroute Trainer Joslynn Corredor Joslynn is a strength coach and athlete who had a double mastectomy in 2018 Post-Mastectomy Strength Training Grant Program I am raising money for women who have had mastectomies. It is at least a 6-8 week recovery and mentally it can be a lifetime. It will provide the opportunity […]